Database of Computational Models

BrainCell Models

To integrate custom mechanisms into BrainCell, follow these steps:

  1. Upload the ZIP Archive: The archive should include:
    • A cell model with all mechanisms and geometry.
    • A DLL file specific to the mechanisms.
  2. Unpack the Archive: Extract the contents of the ZIP archive into the Nanogeometry folder of BrainCell.
  3. Load the HOC File: At the very beginning of activating the BrainCell Export (BrainCell) option, load the corresponding HOC file from the archive.

Available BrainCell Models

Arachne Models

To use Arachne, download and install the software first:
Download Arachne Installer for Windows

All uploaded files must be unzipped and placed in the following directory: C:\Users<username>\arachne\local
Replace with your actual Windows username.

Available Arachne Models

Astro Models

Available Astro Models